Saturday, November 1, 2008

: Inurl:multicameraframe?

Question Di Pietro

Su segnalazione del Comitato Spontaneo Romano contro le scie chimiche.

Interrogazione parlamentare del 17 settembre 2008 presentata dall'on. Antonio Di Pietro.

Atto Camera

Interrogazione a risposta scritta 4-01044
presentata da
mercoledì 17 settembre 2008, seduta n.051

Al Ministro dell'ambiente e della tutela del territorio e del mare.

- Per sapere - premesso che:

le chemtrails are combustion residues left in high altitude aircraft. More precisely it is that contrails occur initially and then spread thin and finally disappear in just a few minutes

chemtrails we see that usually in high altitude trails of exhaust gases, and are created by a condensation. They are formed mostly at high altitudes, over the 8,000 meters, where the air is very cold;

based on current scientific knowledge, the simple condensation of the exhaust gas of a plane is not dangerous to humans;

according to different theories of some chemtrails could be made up of chemicals, introduced in order to create changes in climate. According to these scholars, chemtrails are distinguished from normal contrails, are thicker, lasts long in the sky and they tend to expand in a very marked;

the first official protest against this phenomenon came from Canada in 1998, when following a major abnormal presence of contrails, the inhabitants began to suffer health problems and vast areas became arid, several soil samples were analyzed which showed that they contained more particulate aluminum twenty times higher than the recommended limit for 'drinking water

against the spraying of chemtrails there were several questions MPs, both in Italy and abroad, but none achieved a comprehensive and convincing -:

what, if any clarification on the nature of the phenomenon, the Minister intends to give in order to protect the environment and public health.



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